Through the generous donation of two UMBC alumni, Donna Helm (’70) and Louise Goodrich Izat (’70), the Childhood Literacy Scholarship was established in 2019 in honor of Dr. May Roswell. This scholarship is awarded annually to undergraduate students who are committed to supporting the literacy development of children in the early grades.
This scholarship has been overseen by the Education Department since AY 2023-24.

Manal Ibrahim
I have always loved helping children in any way I can, even throughout my childhood. I believe that children are tomorrow’s future leaders, and these skills are necessary to obtain at such an age. I think this passion for loving and helping children and having a dream of working in healthcare as a future career made me want to be a pediatrician. I am a transfer student pursuing a degree in biological sciences. Volunteering at the Sherman/Shriver Center Literacy Fellows Program was an excellent opportunity for me as it broadened my horizons and was self-fulfilling. It was also a great experience to have outside the pre-medical track. Thank you for the recognition. I hope to continue to help the children to the best of my ability in subsequent semesters. I am incredibly grateful and honored to be the 2022-23 recipient of the Sherman Center childhood literacy scholarship. This award will go a long way in helping me achieve my dream.
Daniela Caceres Bereau
While in primary school, I struggled academically, not for lack of dedication, but rather lack of guidance. Until I meet a teacher that changed my perspective. I was able to exit the ESOL program due to his support, and went on to excel academically, eventually graduating high school “Summa Cum Laude”. I redact this experience to demonstrate that I have known the tremendous impact a person can have on the development of another. I have been trying to follow the steps of my mentor by volunteering in programs aimed to aid children and their development since high school. While working for a non-profit organization in Baltimore last summer, I was honored to mentor at-risk youth. We focus on promoting a range of subjects, from Financial Literacy to Moral Accountability. Knowledge is a powerful tool in the world it is something that once it is yours, none can take it away. I see the value in the improvement of children’s literacy development not only for the individual but for the community as a whole. When I transferred to UMBC I was expecting many changes, and the most impactful I have experienced has been the sense of communal unity throughout the institution. I’m in my third year of studies towards a bachelor’s in Psychology, and certification in the field of Industrial-Organization. With the help of the amazing faculty and staff, I have been able to earn a 4.0 GPA thus far. I am so greatly appreciative and honored to be the 2021-22 recipient of the Sherman Center Childhood Literacy Scholarship. The aid that this scholarship provides is a great relief and a beautiful sign of acknowledgment of my work.
Ayodélé La Veau
The Sherman Center for Early Learning in Urban Communities (Sherman Center) congratulates Ayodélé La Veau, the first recipient of the Sherman Center Childhood Literacy Scholarship in the amount of $1,000.00. The scholarship was established by UMBC alumnae, Donna Helm ’70 and Louise Goodrich Izat ’70, in memory of their professor, Dr. May Roswell. The goal is to recognize UMBC students who promote children’s literacy development through volunteerism, research, or community engagement. Ayodele is currently pursuing a double major in psychology and theater and plans to pursue a career as an art therapist. She is passionate about education and supporting others in the “process of learning and discovery.” Demonstrating this commitment, she served as a Sherman Center Literacy Fellows Program volunteer in fall 2019 and spring 2020 at Bay Brook Elementary/Middle School. As a volunteer, Ayodélé assisted students “in their literacy skill development, meditation and mindfulness,” and was gratified “to witness the effects of investing in children’s lives through healthy and safe learning environments.”We are so proud of Ayodélé and thankful to the alumnae that made this recognition of her community advocacy and support for children’s literacy possible.