Programs and Projects

The Sherman Center began working with early childhood educators at two partner schools in the 2017-18 school year. These schools, Lakeland and Maree G. Farring, serve students in grades preK-8. In the 2018-19 school year, the Sherman Center expanded its work to two additional partner schools:  Curtis Bay and Bay Brook. Arundel (beginning with its kindergarten team) was welcomed as an additional partner school in the 2020-2021 school year.

The Sherman Center collaborates with its partner schools to implement site-specific and cross-site projects to improve early literacy instruction, resources, supports, and outcomes. Its focus on early literacy reflects the schools’ goals and a growing recognition of the importance of early literacy for young children’s life-long success.

Currently, the Sherman Center implements four cross-site literacy projects: 1) Sherman Center/Shriver Center Literacy Fellows Program, 2) Diverse Books Project, 3) Teacher Summer Institute, and 4) Families, Libraries, and Early Literacy Project. The Sherman Center also promotes research in the field of early learning through its Faculty Research Award and leadership through the Maryland Early Childhood Leadership Program.