Web-based Articles
When Less is More in an Increasingly Busy World (2020)
Nature: Behind the Paper. By Dr. Cassondra Eng, Dr. Karrie Godwin, and Anna Fisher
The Conversation. By Dr. Jennifer Mata-McMahon
Parents can help kids catch up in reading with a 10-minute daily routine (2019)
The Conversation. By Dr. Kindel Nash with contributions from Joshua Michael and Kris’tina Ackerman
Journal Articles
Carvalho, P. F. & Godwin K. E. (2024). Comparing generating predictions with retrieval practice as learning strategies for primary school children. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. https://doi.org/10.1037/xap0000523
Mata-McMahon, J., Williams, S., Daramola, A., Kruse, L., and Hossain, S. (2024). Sustainability of a dual language program during and beyond COVID-19 challenges. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2024.2417236
Mata-McMahon, J., Haslip, M. J., and Hossain, S. (2024). How U.S. Early Childhood Educators Understand Children’s Spirituality: A Framework of Essence, Origin, and Action. Early Childhood Education Journal. DOI: 10.1007/s10643-024-01642-8
Godwin, K.E., Kaur, F., & Sonnenschein, S. (2023). Teaching and learning during a global pandemic: Perspectives from elementary school teachers and parents. Education Sciences: The Psychological and Educational Effects of COVID-19: Now and Then [Special Issue], 13, 426. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci13040426
Godwin, K. E., Leroux, A., J., Scupelli, P., & Fisher, A. V. (2022). Classroom design and children’s attention allocation: Beyond the laboratory and into the classroom. Mind, Brain, and Education [Special Issue], 16(3), 239-251. https://doi.org/10.1111/mbe.12319
Godwin, K. E., Leroux, A. Seltman, H., Scuppeli, P. & Fisher, A. V. (2022). Effect of repeated exposure to the visual environment on young children’s attention. Cognitive Science https://doi.org/10.1111/cogs.13093
Nash, K. T., Michael, J., Mata-McMahon, J., Lee, J., & Ackerman, K. (2022). Singing the Same Song: Engaging Families in Read Two Impress Plus. The Reading Teacher, 76(1), pp. 34-41. DOI:10.1002/trtr.2114
Galindo, C. L, Sonnenschein, S, and Sanders, M. G. (2021). A Case Study of a School-University Partnership Focused on Literacy and Educational Equity: Responding to COVID-19 in the Early Grades. School-University Partnerships, 14(3), pp. 17-42.
Godwin, K. E., Seltman, H., Almeda, M.V., Skerbetz, M. D., Kai, S., Baker, R. S., & Fisher, A.V. (2021). The elusive relationship between time on task and learning: Not simply an issue of measurement. Educational Psychology, 41(4) 502-519. https://doi.org/10.1080/01443410.2021.1894324
Eng, C. M., Godwin, K.E., & Fisher, A. V. (2020). Keep it simple: Streamlining book illustrations improves attention and comprehension in beginning readers. npj Science of Learning, 5(14), 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41539-020-00073-5
Research Reports
Research Report 7. (In preparation). Evaluation of the Sherman Center Teacher Summer Institute by Dr. Karrie Godwin, Praveen Kumaraveln, Shahin Hossain Dr. Linda Baker, and Dr. Jennifer Mata-McMahon
Research Report 6. (2025). Evaluation of the Sherman Center Families, Libraries, and Early Literacy Program by Dr. Karrie Godwin, Ana Katrina Aquino, Praveen Kumaraveln, Dr. Linda Baker, and Dr. Jennifer Mata-McMahon
Research Report 5. (2024). Evaluation of the Sherman Center Diverse Books Project, by Dr. Karrie Godwin, Praveen Kumaraveln, Ana Katrina Aquino, Dr. Linda Baker, and Dr. Jennifer Mata-McMahon
Research Report 4. (2023). Evaluation of the Literacy Fellows Program and Stakeholders at Bay Brook and Curtis Bay Elementary Schools by Dr. Susan Sonnenschein and Dr. Claudia Galindo (appendices attached)
Research Report 3. (2023). Lakeland Dual Language Program Study by Dr. Jennifer Mata-McMahon, Sabrina Williams, Adebola Daramola, Dr. Lance Kruse, and Shahin Hossain
Research Report 2. (2021). Read Two Impress Plus by Dr. Kindel Nash and Joshua Michael with contributions from Dr. Jennifer Mata-McMahon, Dr. Jiyoon Lee, and Kris’tina Ackerman
Research Report 1. (2020). Lakeland Dual Language Program Study by Dr. Jennifer Mata-McMahon, Laurel Burggraf-Bassett, Ana Gabriela Salas, and Joshua Michael
Book Chapters
Rochester, S. E., and Mata-McMahon, J. (2022). Promoting Kindergarten Readiness During Remote Learning Through Community-Based Family Literacy Sessions. In Fox, K. R. and Szech, L. (Eds.). Handbook of Research on Family Literacy Practices and Home-School Connections (pp. 101-124). IGI Global. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4569-3.ch007 ISBN: 9871668445693
Lee, J., Nash, K. T., Mata-McMahon, J., and Michael, J. (2021). Developing their Best Reading and Writing Selves: Fostering Positive Literacy Identities for Bi/multilingual Students and Families in Baltimore, USA. In Wills, R., deSouza, M., Mata-McMahon, J., Abu Bakar, M., and Roux C. (Eds). The Bloomsbury Handbook of Culture and Identity from Early Childhood to Early Adulthood: Perceptions and Implications (pp. 133-148). London, UK: Bloomsbury Academic. ISBN: 9781350157101