Faculty Research Award (FRA)

Background: The multidisciplinary Sherman Center for Early Learning in Urban Communities (Sherman Center) was established to advance George and Betsy Sherman’s vision of improving learning experiences and outcomes for young children in Baltimore City. As part of this mission, the Sherman Center Faculty Research Award was established. This award seeks to expand knowledge about policies and practices that enhance the learning of young children ages three through eight, in urban communities like Baltimore. Research topics of interest include but are not limited to:

1. evaluation of new or existing school-based and out-of-school time learning interventions;
2. school, teacher, family, and community factors associated with academic growth, socio-
emotional well-being and/or positive behavioral outcomes for young children and
3. the impact of school policies on family and community engagement in students’ learning
processes and outcomes.

The competition is open to all faculty who hold academic appointments at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC), who are eligible to submit applications for external support. Proposals for Sherman Center Faculty Research Awards may be made by individuals or by collaborative groups. Co-investigators may include individuals not affiliated with UMBC.

For more information, please contact Sherman Center Director Jennifer Mata-McMahon at jmatamcm@umbc.edu.

This award was discontinued in AY 2024-25.

Award recipients:

Dr. Karrie Goodwin


Drs. Amy Tondreau and Shuling Yang



Monica Dale

This project was suspended due to personal leave.