Recognizing teachers’ importance for students’ learning, the Sherman Center offers an annual Teacher Summer Institute (TSI) to provide early childhood educators with information, resources, and collaborative planning time to enhance their professional practice. Sherman Center personnel, campus advisory committee members, and partner teachers work together to plan this annual professional development opportunity and follow-up activities.
This program was paused in AY 2022-2023.

Keynote Speaker: René Colato Laínez
(Author of René has Two Last Names) –
Reading and Teaching Using Picture
Books that Reflect the Identity and
Culture of Our Students

Professional Development Facilitator: Dr. Angelique Jessup – Family Engagement in Your Classroom: Building Trust, Activating Equity, and Fostering Collaborative Relationships
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Zetta Elliott – (Award-winning author of Benny Doesn’t Like to Be Hugged & The Boy in the Bubble) Beyond Good Intentions: Crafting Inclusive Picture Books for Young Readers
Professional Development Facilitator: Dr. Michele Stites – Inclusive Early Childhood Education and Differentiated Instruction
Keynote Speaker: Sandra Evers-Manly – (Author of Raised up by Mrs. Manly & Her L’s) Promoting Young Children’s Socioemotional Development through Diverse Books
Professional Development Facilitator: Dr. Patricia Jennings – Trauma-Sensitive Classrooms and Children’s Socioemotional Development
2020 Virtual TSI attendees receive instructional materials for students and their classrooms
Our partner teachers at Maree G. Farring prepare bags for their students
2020 Virtual TSI Curtis Bay teacher distributes Sherman Center funded school supplies to families
A Curtis Bay student shows off her new school supplies
Keynote Speaker: Derrick Barnes – (Author of The King of Kindergarten and Crown: An Ode to the Fresh Cut) The Relevance of Diverse Books for Early Learners
Professional Development Facilitator: Dr. Jennifer Mata-McMahon – Translanguaging in the Early Childhood Classroom
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Pamela Brillante – Supporting Young Children with Disabilities in the Classroom
Professional Development Facilitators: (L) Kristina Robertson and (R) Amy Faust Fraser – Planning for Language-based Lessons with English Learners in Mind